Privacy Policy
Data Privacy Polity
1. Privacy Policy Ramazan Bengals informs to the users of this website about our policy regarding the treatment of the personal data supplied through our on-line forms. Ramazan Bengals guarantees the compliance of the current laws regarding the treatment of personal data, stated in the Spanish Ley Organica 15/1999 of the 13th of December, of the Persona Data Protection Policy, and the Real Decreto 1720/2007, of the 21st of December, by which is aproved the Development of the Regulations of the LOPD. The use of this website implies you accept this privacy policy.
2. Reception, Use and Treatment of the data Ramazan Bengals must inform the users of this website about the reception of the personal data suplied by the forms, email communications, telephone conversations or any other means of communication. Ramazan Bengals is held responsible for the personal data that we receive. Ramazan Bengals informs the users that the purpose of the treatment of the personal data are: contacting the users that requests us information, inclusion in a contact agenda, disposal of our services, and the management of the comercial transactions. The operations, managements and technical procedures that are done automatically or not automatically, that allow to receive, store, modify, transfer or any other actions regarding the personal data, have the consideration of Treatment of the Personal Data. All personal data that are received through this website, will be stored in the files that will be declared before the Protection Data Spanish Agency by Ramazan Bengals. The treatment of the data includes stadistical studies, sort out related paperwork required for the animals, and any type of request done by the user through any of the forms of contact that we put at their disposition, including, in the future, the posibility of the reception of the news bulletin.
3. Communication of the personal data to third parties Ramazan bengals informs the users that their personal data will not be passed on to any third parties or organizations, unless that the sharing of this personal data responds to legal obligations, or when it is required to carry out the paperwork required for the animal, and this will have been notified and accepted by the user, through the means of communication that we put at their disposal. But by any other means, to any other third parties.
4. User rights. Ramazan bengals is fulfilling with the current regulations of the Data Protection Policy, and manifests that the personal data are treated transparently and legally, in relation to the user, and are adequate, pertinent and limited to what is needed in relation to the purpose by which they were sent. Ramazan bengals guarantees that has implemented technical and management policies that are appropriate to comply with the security measures that the present regulations establish regarding the data protection, with the purpose of protecting the rights and freedom of the users and has expressed the information to them so they can exercise their rights. The users can request the remission of the publicity communications, that have been authorized beforehand, by email, sms, or any other means of communication, present or future, that allows to establish commercial transactions. The users can exercise their rights to rectify, cancel and eliminate their data anytime they wish according to what is stated in the current legal regulations related to the matter of personal data protection. To be able to exercise these rights, the user must direct himself through a written means of communication, including a document that will certify their identity (Passport, NIE, etc), to the following email address - Bengalíes Ramazan,, o the address that is registered in the General Registry of the Data Protection. The document must state the following information: Name and Last Name, the request, the address and the documents that identify themselves. The excercise of these rights must be carreid out by the user. Nevertheless, they can be performed by an authorized legal representative. If this is the case, they will have to provide the correspondant identity document of the representative.
Responsability Exemptions Ramazan Bengals is exempted by any responsability derived by the information found on their website that has been tampered or included by an external third party. This website has been revised and tested so that it works correctly. The functionality is guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours per day. But we don't discard the possibility of technical errors that will may block or hinders the use of the website, or due to natural catastrophies, strikes, or similar circumstances that make impossible the access to the website. The servers of the website can automatically detect the IP address. An IP address is the number assigned automatically to a computer when is connecte to the internet. All this information is registerd in a file on the server that is adequately registered that allows to process the data in order to carry out stadistical analysis that will allow to know the pages visited, the numbers of visits, the order of the visits, the first page accessed, etc.
Applied Law The law that must be applied in case of conflict with the terms stated in the Privacy Policy, or any other question related with the services presented in this website, will be the Spanish Law. The resolution of any controversy, contention, discrepancy that could arouse between the user and Ramazan Bengals through the use of this webste, will be submited to the correspondant Court of Justice that deals with the current Spanish Legislation.